Lyrics: Busiswa – SBWL ft. Kamo Mphela
Check out the lyrics to Busiswa hit song “SBWL” featuring Kamo Mphela.
Feel it, feel it feel it
Its over we… le piano (Le piano)
The composer, and the photo, I feel at
Its over we… le piano (Le piano)
The composer, and the photo, I feel at
How darling piano
Thick thick and thick
Thick thick
Coz I feel that
Thick thick and thick
Thick thick
Coz I feel that
So mix the piano with the Henessy
She, she she she
So mix the piano with the Henessy
She, she she she
I wasn’t lying, woza
I wasn’t lying, woza
I wasn’t lying, woza
I wasn’t lying, woza
I wasn’t lying, woza
I wasn’t lying, woza
I wasn’t lying, woza
I wasn’t lying, woza
Azam papa, azam papa
Azam papa, azam papa
Its over we… le piano (Le piano)
The composer, and the photo, I feel at
Its over we… le piano (Le piano)
The composer, and the photo, I feel at
How darling piano
Thick thick and thick
Thick thick
Coz I feel that
Thick thick and thick
Thick thick
Coz I feel that